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Struggling with menopausal weight loss? Can't stop eating? Hungry & dieting?

It’s not your fault. And no, another diet won’t help. 

Chances are the real culprit is deep in your gut biome.

Take our free comprehensive 2-min quiz to analyse your unique bacteria balance and see how MenoLight™ can help you lose weight.

Scientifically tested

Don’t let menopause hijack your life. Say goodbye to the belly bulge for good.

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When Menopause Hits, your Gut takes a Hit.

As we age, our body’s estrogen and collagen production gradually declines. This negatively impacts the whole body and causes slower metabolism, loss of muscle tissue, and gut imbalance. Due to these changes, fat stores are not broken down as fast as they used to be. So, our body begins to pack a paunch – especially in the belly. 

The culprit is the gut.

Recent studies have shown a direct link between menopause and the gut microbiome.

Take our quick 2-min quiz to discover your gut health status and learn exactly what it needs to thrive. 


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Not just vanity, it’s your longevity at stake.

Fat stores aren’t skin deep - they are visceral. They line your abdominal cavity and surround your stomach, liver, intestines, and other internal organs. No wonder, women with menopausal belly fat are at more risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

And when you add an overgrowth of ‘bad bacteria’? The problems intensify.

Most fad diets and weight loss programs don’t work because they are not tailored for your specific gut microbiome.

Take our free gut health assessment to find out if an imbalanced gut bacteria is the hidden reason you can't lose weight.

Take free quiz now

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How we’re different – and way better.

We didn’t get it on the first try but after years of research, expert advice, and thousands of women looking trim and feeling great…

We finally created a super formula that puts your love handles in intense fat-burning mode.

Packed with ingredients that attack weight gain on multiple fronts, you will feel like your best self again. 

Over 5000+ women between the ages 28 - 72  testify that MenoLight™… 

Accelerates your body’s metabolism Promotes better digestive health Ignites your body’s natural ability to burn fat Curb cravings and hunger pangs Promotes mindful eating Manage stress levels and improve your mood.

Try gut health quiz

MenoLight™ brings back the Lightness to your Gut

Meno-living without gut healing

Bloating & stomach cramps Poor sleep patterns Nausea and slow metabolism Brain fog

Meno-living with gut healing

Smooth digestion Sleep like a baby Fast metabolic rates Sharp, alert, and focused mind

It’s not all nature, we had extra help from science…

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Green Tea Extract

No more slow metabolic rates! Green tea induces thermogenesis which speeds up metabolism and trims down belly fat.
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Probiotic blend

MenoLight™ contains a special blend of probiotics that work harmoniously to restore and balance the gut microbiota. It also counteracts bacteria imbalances by increasing the growth of ‘good’ bacteria and inhibiting the development of ‘bad’ bacteria.
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Natural prebiotic fiber that nourishes the good gut probiotic bacteria, so it can continue to thrive. It is also rich in antioxidant powers to protect you against those damaging free radicals, which is essential in weight loss.
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Natural chromium picolinate reduces cravings for sweets and carbs and promotes a feeling of fullness
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Trimming stubborn love handles is no joke, but we managed to crack the code.

We recruited 5000 + menopausal women into a placebo-controlled study. 

The results below reveal how MenoLight™ promotes better gut health, burns belly fats and increases appetite suppression compared with a placebo.

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Clean Processes, Clean Results.

MenoLight™ and other MenoEase™ formulations are proudly non-GMO, certified organic, vegan, and gluten-free.

Menopause is unavoidable, but weight gain doesn’t have to be.

We want to put the reins of your life back in your hands. Let’s find out your gut health so that you can start the journey of looking your best and feeling your best.

Get started with assessment

I was skeptical at first, but PMSPause has been a game changer for me. After struggling with hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings for months, I finally feel like myself again. I'm sleeping better, my mood has improved, and I no longer have to worry about embarrassing hot flashes at work. Thank you, PMSPause!

Hannah P.